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Problems - Leading to Greatness

Let's talk Problems and Living your Best Life, since they both go hand in hand. It's been over a month since my last post. Many reasons around this, primarily I needed to stop, think, dive deep into this, and truly give myself the time to understand my own self and better comprehend the world around me. Attempting to hone in on where resilience, grit, and achieving great things comes from. Where it really comes from; why some people apparently strive more than others and why some people seem to struggle more than others.  Let's start with how we generally live as humans. We hear lots about how to show empathy towards others, the value of this as humans, and what it does to the world around us. Humans are inately horrible at this; constantly discrediting others problems, comparing others problems, generalizing how people feel, or attempting to rationalize problems from their point of view. This is where a lot of mental health stigmas and biases come from. Showing em
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Imperfect is Human

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Memento Mori - Live life Immediately

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‪Finding the light in the dark

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Darkness - Step out of the Light

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“Mind over Matter”

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Resolutions - The Importance of Planning

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